Monday, May 7, 2007


One of the reasons I've decided to try blogging again is to track my workouts and to have some accountability. I figure if I post them here at least the guys I work with will rag on me somewhat if I start falling behind . I started doing the simple fit workout a month or so ago but I've been slacking off lately so I'm going to start doing it again. I'm going to start off with the Level 2 workout. I was doing pretty well with the pushups and squats, however, I've never been able to do a pullup so those I imagine are pretty funny to watch. My overall goal is to get down to 175 lbs. and be a lot fitter. At the very least I want to be able to keep up with this guy. My office mate and I are splitting the cost of a water cooler to ensure that we both drink more water. The convenience of not having to walk back to the break room certainly helps with water consumption but doesn't do anything for getting me up from my desk. I guess that is what Puzzle Bobble is for. =)

My workout schedule is
Monday do max rounds of 1 pullup, 3 pushups, 4 squats in 20 minutes.
Tuesday either jog/run around the neighborhood or the pool for 20 minutes depending on whether Julie is working or not.
Wednesday do 5 rounds of 3 pullups, 8 pushups and 13 squats for time.
Thursday jog/run for 20 minutes.
Friday do 13 pullups, 26 pushups, and 26 squats for time.
Saturday jog/run for 20 minutes.
Sunday jog/run for 20 minutes.

Whenever I get my bike fixed I'm going to alternate jogging with biking.

In addition to the workouts, I'm going to start consistenly working on playing my bass every night. I've been trying to pick out parts of songs that I want to learn to work on my relative pitch ear training. I've never been very good at this and right now I think it would help my playing the most. I also need to work on scales and arpeggios to loosen up my fingers. I want to be ready when Thel comes back in July.

The last reason I'm starting this blog is to work on my writing skills. I haven't really had to document my thoughts for quite a few years and I'm hoping that this will help me get better at doing so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, this is good stuff!! Now we just need to find 298 more guys.