Monday, May 7, 2007

First Mondays post suck

First post. Mondays suck.

I had to go into work late this morning because I had to go into have an ultrasound on my liver and some labwork done due to some elevated something or other. Hopefully, this is all related to the Lipitor I've been taking for years and not something more serious. Anyhoo, the trip to the hospital was considerably less than pleasant. The ultrasound went very well. I got in a couple of minutes early. I'd already been preregistered so I only had to sit around for a couple of minutes before the technician came and took me back for the procedure. Once that was done, I had to go "donate" blood for the tests. This is where my day started sucking. The hospital I was at requires you to visit the registration desk every time you have a procedure done. This is ordinarily a minimum of 30 minutes for which the only reason I can determine is so they can scan your insurance card. The problem with this is my insurance hasn't changed in over a year but still they insist on this ridiculous process. Both of the women I questioned about told me to talk to Administration and gave me inane reasons like looking up procedure codes and what not, none of which made any sense. To finish up my trip to the hospital I had to go spend another 30 minutes waiting to be seen for the labwork which was then followed by another 10 minutes while the phlebotomist(?) tried to determine exactly how much blood she needed to take. After a uneventful pricking, I was off to work.

Work was fairly normal although I didn't really feel like I got a lot accomplished. Between arriving late and random distractions I would consider it a pretty unproductive day.

Finally, I arrived home to a "discussion" with my wife who then left for work. I grilled up some chicken for the kids (which they didn't like of course) and helped Trystin with her homework. Shortly therafter, she managed to knock a stool over on to her big toe which is generating a fair amount of blood and a brilliantly purple bruise underneath the nail. I told her about how Grandpa lost his big toenail when I was a kid and I think she is sufficiently worried now. =)

I hope Heroes rocks tonight.

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